WHCMA has a limited number of $250.00 sponsorships available to young people 18 & under attending music camps across Alberta. To be eligible, applicants must be nominated and supported by a responsible adult and must be recommended by a music teacher. They must satisfy pre-requisites and be accepted and paid the pre-registration fee. They must not have received sponsorship from the WHCMA to any other music camp in the current year. All applicants must be Alberta residents and can only apply for this sponsorship three times.
WHCMA does not have a website, so further details and application form, if needed must be obtained by phone or mail. Contact Mary Olson, Sponsorship Chair at 780-675-5516 or mail to:
Box 1935
Athabasca, Alberta
T9S 2B5
Or: Print a copy of the application form below and email it to Mary Olson at: mo305et@telus.net
Winter Camp Application for Sponsorship Funds Summer Camp Application for Sponsorship Funds