For any inquires about the ASF or to contact ASF executive or board members email:
Regional Directors:
Northwest Region:
Tasha Zboya-Keith
ph. 587-298-6741
Northeast Region:
Charlie Gargus
ph: 780-603-7564
Athabasca Slave Lake Region:
Cliff McLean
ph: 780-786-4974
Greater Edmonton Region:
Jennifer Green
ph. 780-717-3867
Yellowhead West Region:
Red Deer-Rocky Region:
Laurie Maetche, of Lacombe, AB
ph. 403-782-5596
Airdrie-Bowden Region:
Gary Giesbrecht, of Airdrie, AB
ph. 403-948-7216
Central East Region:
Brianne Thompson/Kari Bergerud
ph. 587-281-2428 / 780-806-1594
Greater Calgary Region:
Heather Bourne
ph. 403-402-7646
South Region:
Executive Officers for 2021:
President: Randy Jones
907-15A St. SE, High River, AB T1V 1L7
Vice-President: Murray Cameron
ph. 403-227-2233
Secretary: Joanne Henderson
ph: 587-999-9991
Treasurer: Barbara Bryant
ph. 780-706-1691